Pre-Doc Award ceremony
The Pre-Doc Award at University Leipzig is awarded each year to 15 tandems of Pre-Docs and their junior-PI. It supports the graduates in preparation for doctoral research in multiple layers: funding them for one year, supporting them in career development and grant apllication writing. The junior-PIs are supported through the peer-cohort and coaching to strengthen their supervisorial skills.
The Lamers lab is very proud to be part of this year cohort with two tandems: Pharmacist Maximilian Hoffmann and MSc Tom Götze both proposed reasearch projects which have been selected for support. Congratulations and well done! That leaves Christina Lamers with double fun supervising two talented students on their way to a PhD.
Looking forward to an exciting Pre-Doc year!
Welcome to our new PhD student Mirko
Our first PhD student working on the BMWK-funded consortium "KIWI" arrived! A warm welcome to Mirko Delpero!
Mirko is working on peptides as targeting moieties on lipid nanoparticle.
The KIWI consortium consits of six partners working on the development of special lipids for mRNA delivery. Partner are BioNTech, University Mainz, University Leipzig and the Fraunhofer Institutes IMM and IZI-BB. Looking forward to a highly interdisciplinary collaboration!
Welcome to our new postdoc Aleksandr
A warm welcome to Aleksandr Kazimir, who started as a Postdoc working on helical peptides as tool compounds to study Hyperpolarisation. He is funded by the SFB TRR386 "HypMol", which started on the 1st of Oktober!
Find out more about HypMol, check out here
Bekas Alo awarded a poster price at the Annual Meeting of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG) in Tübingen
Christina Lamers received the SVAR Complement Excellence Award during the International Complement Workshop in Newcastle
During the International Complement Workshop in Newcastle Christina Lamers has been awarded the SVAR Complement Excellence Award 2023 for her work on cyclic peptides as complement inhibitors. The award was handed over during the award session by Prof. Peter Garred. The awardees have been selected by an international renowned committee (Prof. Claudia Kemper, Prof. Elena Goicoechea de Jorge, Prof. Lubka T. Roumenina, Prof. Christoph Schmidt, Prof. Claire Harris and Prof. Trent Woodruff). Special thanks goes to SVAR Life Sciences for the generous price of 20.000 €.
BMWK funded KIWI project for special lipids starts today!
Our KIWI consortium consisting of BioNTech, University Mainz, Fraunhofer IMM und IZI-BB and University Leipzig starts with the second project to develop novel special lipids for mRNA therapeutics. Looking forward to great collaborations!
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft Leipzig
The Institute for Drug Discovery was part of the science night in Leipzig, presenting in the BBZ Leipzig experiments and science to the public highlighting the pharmaceutical sciences. And every visitor had a chance to get a picture as a scientist... picture a scientist
VICB seminar at Vanderbilt University
I have been invited to talk at the Vanderbilt Institute of Chemical Biology lecture about "the development of cyclic peptides to therapeutically target host defense pathways". It was a great pleasure to discuss my since in front of the audience and also to have the possibilities to meet interested students and faculty members during a full week in Nashville! Thank you so much for the nice stay!
The team is growing! Welcome Abdul, our new postdoc!
Abdul holds a PhD in Medicinal Chemistry, from the University of Tours (France) on the "Design, synthesis, biological evaluation and 3D-QSAR analysis of novel bioinspired imidazo[1,2-a:4,5-c’]dipyridines with antiproliferative, anti-migration and anti-invasive activities in triple negative breast cancer." He is super active publishing studies on computational design of possible therapeutics. Now he joins us to combine computational work with experimental data to develop novel macrocyclic peptides. Great to have you!
Our peptide synthesizer arrived!
Finally, after long month of waiting our CEM Multi Pep I synthesizer arrived and was installed today! The first solid phase peptide synthesis is already running...
Bekas started as first PhD student
The team is growing and Bekas started today as first PhD student! We wish a good start and a lot of good nerves, as the lab equipment is still not completely up and running... we are getting there :-)
Christmas party
The ChemCore lab and LamersLab celebrated together by playing robot-beer pong, Tabu and Cards against humanity. Thanks all for participating and prepare the delicious snacks! It was a great year, more to come...
Cleaning out the lab
Just started my own group at Leipzig University
Exciting times ahead:
I just started my new position after I was appointed Junior Professor for Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry at Leipzig University this spring. So excited to set up my own lab and dive into my research interests.
And thanks Manfred for the nice acknowledgement in the Pharmazeutische Zeitung